Jun 4, 2024 | Blog Posts

I’m 100% Committed

When the government created Medicare and Social Security, it made a commitment that must be fulfilled.

  • I am 100% committed to protecting that promise. That’s why in Congress, I’ve fought to make sure you receive the benefits you’ve earned. We’re in this together, so I wanted to give you a quick update on my work to protect your retirement by:
  • Leading legislation to expand Medicare and Social Security coverage, prevent cuts, and stop delays.
  • Cracking down on fraud targeting seniors by passing legislation to bring perpetrators to justice.
  • Maximizing retirement savings by introducing legislation to ensure investment returns are prioritized.
  • Strengthening Medicare by leading legislation to expand coverage for cancer screenings.
  • Expanding access to Medicare by supporting legislation to improve rural health coverage.
  • Decreasing costs for prescription drugs by supporting bipartisan legislation to prevent price gouging.

Bottom Line: I’ll keep working to protect critical programs that you rely on.