Oct 9, 2024 | Blog Posts

Delivering for Iowans

Today, I stopped by Pitney Bowes’ Presort Facility in Urbandale for a town hall with employees to discuss their top concerns.

The number one concern shared by these workers today? Skyrocketing prices for groceries and gas.

In the past two years, the Biden-Harris Administration’s tax-and-spend policies have cost every Iowa family $26,000. In Congress, I’m fighting back against runaway spending to make life just a little bit easier for Iowans:

  • Balancing the federal budget with a proposed Constitutional amendment because if Iowans balance their checkbooks, why shouldn’t the federal government?
  • Combating inflation by passing the REIN IN Act, a bill that would expose the inflationary impacts of executive orders so the White House can’t bypass Congress on policies that would have a large impact on our economy.
  • Helping create good paying jobs by introducing legislation to cut back red tape for Main Street businesses

Bottom Line: I’ll keep working to rein in spending and bring down costs for you and your family.