Our government is supposed to be of the people, for the people, and by the people. We need common sense in Washington so that our federal government always acts in the best interests of the American people – not for personal gain.
My mission since day one in Congress has been to deliver common sense. While it hasn’t always made me the most popular guy on Capitol Hill, I remain focused on getting work done for the people I represent – Iowans.
To that end, I introduced two pieces of legislation today to root out corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse in our government. The bipartisan No Corruption in Government Act will clean up the halls of Congress by banning stock trading, ending automatic annual pay raises, and tripling the lobbying ban for Members of Congress.
Members of Congress aren’t the only folks working on behalf of the taxpayer in D.C. – and certainly aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the taxpayers. In fact – D.C. bureaucrats are abusing work from home policies to earn extra bonuses paid by the American taxpayer. That’s why I also introduced the Back to Work Act to require federal workers to get back to work in the office for the American people.
Bottom Line: We must return transparency, accountability, and integrity to our nation’s capital. These bills will do just that!