I spent the better part of today visiting Iowans throughout our community, including in Taylor County.
Edward Johnson, an Army veteran living in Bedford, is part of the Greatest Generation – a generation of patriotic Americans who put service above self every day. Edward deserves recognition for his service in World War II, but unfortunately never received the awards he earned while in the Army. Today, I was honored to present Edward with his long-awaited medals.

As a combat veteran, there is very little that is more important than supporting current servicemembers and providing resources to veterans who have served our country. If you are a veteran who cannot get an answer from the VA in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, I’d be honored to ensure you receive a fair and timely response to your problem, including:
- Helping with VA benefits and claims
- Acquiring personnel and medical records
- Obtaining or replacing medals and awards
- Assisting with Social Security or Medicare claims
If we can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at (515) 400-8180 or by visiting www.nunn.house.gov/veterans.
Hearing firsthand from Iowans is one of my favorite parts of serving as your Congressman. I also spent time today in:
- Cass County, where I spent time in Griswold with local farmers to hear their top priorities for a new Farm Bill.
- Montgomery County, where I visited the Stanton Child Resource Center to discuss my bipartisan work to address the affordable childcare shortage.
- Page County, where I hosted a roundtable about rural economic development in Shenandoah to share how we can invest in Main Street communities.