Mar 17, 2025 | Blog Posts

Adoption needs to be affordable

Every child deserves a forever home. 

As a father of six, I’ve personally experienced the adoption process when my wife, Kelly, and I adopted two of our children. The experience of trying to give these two little girls their “forever home” showed me firsthand the many shortcomings within our adoption process.   

There are thousands of Iowa children in foster care who are awaiting adoption. Yet too many families choose not to adopt because adoption is too expensive. All families – no matter their income – should have an opportunity to adopt a child. 

That’s why I just introduced the bipartisan Fight for Families Act, which would financially help low and middle-income families, as well as retirees on fixed incomes, by making the adoption tax credit refundable. This will allow those who qualify to put up to $16,810 in adoption expenses back in their pocket.   

Bottom Line: Nothing is more important than providing children with a safe, loving environment to grow and learn. Any family who is willing to open their home to a child should have that opportunity. Together, we can help every child find their forever home.