Nov 21, 2023 | Blog Posts

Every 68 seconds

A person is sexually assaulted in the United States every 68 seconds, and far too many perpetrators of these crimes are going free: 

  • The evidence to these crimes is collected in a DNA test kit.  These kits hold the key to convicting hundreds of thousands of criminals.   

  • Despite the overwhelming necessity of this information, these kits are far too often sitting untested in police department across the country – to the tune of hundreds of thousands of untested kits.   

  • This backlog is hampering the ability to convict criminals of the most heinous offenses.   

This is an intolerable issue, and I’m determined to solve it. ⬇️ 

We just passed bipartisan legislation that I’ve been championing to reduce the backlog and put these criminals whether they belong – in jail.  Learn more:  


Our fight is far from over to get justice for these crimes, but this bill is a strong step in the right direction.  I’ll continue fighting to ensure that no survivor of sexual assault is left behind by a system of justice intended to protect them!