Apr 14, 2023 | Blog Posts

[Week in Review] Supporting Iowa’s Farmers and Military Families: Legislative Updates | April 10-14

My goal is to ensure our country’s laws work for every Iowa family.   To that end, this week I focused on an issue near and dear to my heart: supporting parents in our military.  That’s why I helped introduce a bipartisan bill called the Reserve Component Parental Leave Parity Act which will: 

  • Expand parental leave for drilling Reserve and National Guard members to include fathers and adoptive or foster parents.   

  • Match the benefits given to Active Duty counterparts so the nearly 18,000 Iowans who serve in Reserve or Guard have access to the benefits that they have rightfully earned.  

No parent serving our country in either the Guard or Reserve should miss the first few days after the birth of their child to report to drill. I could not be prouder to help lead this fight on behalf of Iowa’s military families!