Jun 12, 2024 | Blog Posts

Patriarchal, insular, and risk-averse environment at our agencies is unacceptable!

Unelected bureaucrats, like FDIC Chair Gruenberg, must take responsibility for failed leadership and a toxic workplace culture entrenched with widespread misconduct and abuse. During the House Financial Services Committee hearing today, one of the lead investigators into the misconduct at the FDIC agreed that Chair Gruenberg is not fit to lead the agency.

A recent independent report revealed inexcusable behavior and a pervasive culture of sexual harassment, discrimination, and misconduct within the FDIC. The report highlighted employees fear of retaliation and complaints of misconduct being systematically ignored. This toxic culture affects Iowa banks’ ability to operate in a safe and sound economy.

Bottom Line: It is time for new leadership and Chair Gruenberg must resign immediately. We need leadership that is accountable and workplace that is safe.