Jun 13, 2024 | Blog Posts

I’ve got someone for you to meet

We had a special guest in our office today! Michael, a former foster child and Navy veteran, joined me to learn more about Congress as a shadow and to advocate for improved foster services for the next generation of foster kids.

As a former foster dad and co-chair of the Congressional Foster Youth Caucus, fighting to help every child find their forever home has been one of my top priorities. To that end, I’ve championed several bills to support foster and adoptive families:

  • Fight for Siblings Act will promote the adoption of siblings by doubling the adoption tax credit for families that adopt more than one sibling in the same year
  • Protecting Sibling Relationships in Foster Care Act will provide grants to help siblings stay together during foster placement
  • Fight for Families Act will extend the adoption tax credit so that more low- and middle-income families can afford to adopt children
  • Foster Care Stabilization Act will provide grants to provide emergency relief for foster children

I’ll keep working to improve the foster and adoption system to help every child grow up in a safe and secure home.