Aug 22, 2024 | Blog Posts

Connecting with Iowa Retirees!

When the government created Medicare and Social Security, it made a commitment to retirees. Let me make one thing clear: I am 100% committed to protecting that promise.

In order to support retirees in our community, today I hosted a resource fair in Grimes! Attendees heard from community organizations, like the YMCA and Alzheimer’s Association, and local government agencies, like the Social Security Administration and the Veterans Affairs Hospital, about how they support Iowans. Our team was on hand as well to assist Iowans with cutting through red tape within the federal government to access their benefits.

If you weren’t able to attend today’s event and need assistance accessing the benefits you’ve earned, please don’t hesitate to call my office at 515-400-8180 or visit nunn.house.gov/federalagency.

I’ll keep fighting to defend Medicare and Social Security while making it easier for Iowans to retire by:

  • Leading legislation to expand Medicare and Social Security coverage, prevent cuts, and stop delays.
  • Cracking down on fraud targeting seniors by passing legislation to bring perpetrators to justice.
  • Maximizing retirement savings by introducing legislation to ensure returns are prioritized.
  • Strengthening Medicare by leading legislation to expand coverage for cancer screenings.
  • Expanding access to Medicare by supporting legislation to improve rural health coverage.
  • Decreasing costs for prescription drugs by supporting bipartisan legislation to prevent price gouging.
  • Ensuring access to care in rural areas by supporting legislation to improve rural broadband and support community hospitals.
  • Improving timely access to care by introducing legislation to fix the nationwide nursing shortage.
  • Making healthcare more affordable by championing legislation to expand the kinds of care paid for by Medicare.