May 24, 2023 | Blog Posts

How to hold the EPA accountable ->

How to hold the EPA accountable ->” target=”_blank” style=”max-width: 100%; height: auto;”></p>
<p>Iowans know the Washington, D.C. bureaucracy is completely out of control—the recent EPA regulations on our trucks are no different. I am taking a stand against these burdensome and unnecessary regulations hurting Iowa’s industries that supply mission critical food, fuel, and products to Americans across our country.</p>
<p><strong>Case in point: I just voted to overturn a new burdensome rule by the EPA that regulates everything from an F-250 truck to farm equipment to a semitruck.</strong></p>
<p>I will do everything in my power to end government regulation that hurts Iowans and their ability to make a good living. Our fight continues to make our federal government work better for every Iowan! </p>

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