Oct 13, 2023 | Blog Posts

Thank you, farmers!

Iowa’s farmers are the backbone of America. Their hearts, hands, and hard work feed and fuel our demanding world. Make sure you #ThankaFarmer today!  

Thank You Farmers

As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, I’m fighting for Iowa’s farmers, ranchers, and producers as we craft the 2023 Farm Bill. Here are some of my priorities as we negotiate this critical bill: 

  • Bolstering commodity programs and strengthening crop insurance that are critical for Iowa’s farmers 
  • Increasing access to credit, grants, and loans to improve infrastructure for rural communities 
  • Expanding cybersecurity resources for agribusinesses and prohibiting our adversaries from purchasing farmland here in Iowa 
  • Supporting disaster recovery and flood mitigation while applying Iowa commonsense to efforts to protect our natural lands 
  • Securing energy independence by expanding access to biofuels and locking in year-round E-15 

We only get one chance to improve programs for the next five years, so I want to make sure we do it right. Can you take just a few minutes to let me know what matters most to you in this Farm Bill? 

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