Improving The Economy

In order for all Iowans to truly prosper, we need to have a strong economy. The most important issue I hear from Iowans is ensuring stability when it comes to everyday issues – having access to a good paying job to put food on the table, filling up gas tanks, and affording college or retirement savings. Recently, an impediment to economic growth has been 40-year high inflation rates that have been crushing Americans. We’ve had to pay $10,000 in extra inflation money so far just to pay for the same necessities.

While in Congress, one of my main priorities is to bring down inflation to get our economy moving again. This can be fixed, and it’s why I’ve voted on bills to rein in inflation. We need to bring down the massive government spending, which is not coincidentally also at decade highs. That’s why my first bill I introduced was a bill to balance the federal budget. If Iowans have to balance our budgets not to spend more than we take in, so should the government.

Another economic prioritiy is supporting Iowa’s many small businesses. Our small businesses make up 99% of businesses in Iowa, with many of them being rural. Many of the barriers small businesses face are finding labor, fighting government regulation, and keeping up with the rising costs of goods. Unfortunately, D.C. bureaucrats have added needless regulations on our businesses. I will never stop fighting D.C.-centric regulations that cause costly barriers for Iowans. We must get back to policies that promote a growing and thriving economy.

Finally, when it comes to strengthening the economy, we must cut taxes for Iowans. The more money that stays in our pocketbooks, the more direct investments that are made into our communities, small businesses, and economy. To get our economy back on track, I am a big proponent of finding ways to cut taxes, cut regulations, and cut government spending in areas that it makes sense.

More on Improving The Economy