Apr 27, 2023 | Blog Posts

We Just Won A Major Battle For Iowa Farmers →

We just won a major battle in the fight for year-round E15.   

After months of pressure, the Administration has relented and will reportedly grant a waiver for summer sales of E-15 tomorrow.  This waiver wouldn’t have been necessary if the Administration hadn’t delayed permanent implementation of year-round E15, but this is nonetheless the right thing to do for farmers, producers, and consumers who will benefit from less expensive fuel this summer.  

The benefits of this decision reach beyond Iowa’s farmers and ethanol producers.  This is a victory for lower fuel prices for the American people and American energy independence.  

As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, I’ve been advocating for permanent, year-round E15 since my first day in Congress.  Check it out: 

Our fight has been relentless, including: 

I want every farmer to know we are listening and will not stop fighting on this issue!