Jan 29, 2024 | Blog Posts

Enough is enough

This weekend, an Iran-backed militant group killed 3 American soldiers and injured 25 more in an attack near the Syrian border.   

Again and again, the Administration has failed to hold Iran accountable, and now our own service members were attacked. Enough is enough.  


I’m leading the charge to hold Iran accountable for their actions this past weekend and continued support of terrorism: 

  • I grilled the Administration on their unwillingness to enforce sanctions against Iran, including their $80 billion illicit oil moving “ghost armada.” 

  • I passed legislation to cut off $6 billion in frozen assets that the Administration planned to return to Iran. 

  • I introduced a bipartisan resolution to condemn the Iranian-backed terrorist attack against Israel, hold Hamas accountable, and reinforce that the United States stands with our ally. 

Bottomline: I will never stop fighting to hold Iran accountable and keep our country safe!