Supporting Iowa Agriculture

Iowa’s agriculture industry is not just a job but a way of life. The agriculture industry in Iowa employs more than 315,000 Iowans, contributes $17.5 billion in wages, and makes up $88.3 billion in our economy. Like many Iowans, I spent time helping out at our family’s century farm growing sheep, poultry, and row crop.

Iowa truly feeds and fuels the entire world. That’s why we must support the many farmers, producers, and consumers of our Iowa agriculture products. As a Member of the Agriculture Committee, I’m working to ensure that Iowans have a voice to impact federal agriculture policy.

To that end, I’m working to ensure our country has free and fair trade for our farmers, as well as making sure our farmland is protected. In recent years, bad actors like China have attempted to steal our farmland, trade secrets, and intellectual property. Iowa farmland should belong to Iowa farmers, and that’s why I’m fighting to ban China from buying farmland nationwide.

I’m also fighting for permanent, year-round E15 ethanol. With gas prices high and input costs for farmers through the roof, E15 is a low-cost, low-carbon choice to strengthen the biofuels markets and lower costs for consumers.

Additionally, in the past, burdensome regulations have made it hard for farmers to have control over their own operations. From weight limits on federal highways to burdensome regulation of private land, we need to get government out of the way so our farmers can prosper.


More on Supporting Iowa Agriculture