Feb 15, 2024 | Blog Posts

Supporting Israel

In October, Hamas launched a brutal terrorist attack on Israel. Since day one of this unprecedented and barbaric attack, I’ve stood steadily alongside our brothers and sisters in Israel and fought to hold those responsible accountable.  

When I worked with the Israeli Defense Forces, I saw firsthand the aggressive threats posed by our foreign adversaries. The House just passed legislation that I am proud to champion to condemn Hamas for their violent actions against Israel and in support of Israel’s right to defend herself. 


ZN israel reel


This is just the latest in our fight to support our ally, I’ve also led the charge to: 

  • Show full support for Israel as they dealt with the aftermath of this horrific and unprovoked attack  

  • Hold Iran accountable for providing financial support to Hamas and funding acts of terrorism against our allies  

  • Bring home Iowans trapped in Israel following the attacks, even when the State Department wouldn’t do what was needed to get the job done 

Bottom line: I will never waver in my support of our strongest ally in the Middle East.